Please write the abstract according to the following notes and submit it by the deadline.

The deadline of submission is June 1, 2022.

1) The abstract must fit within 1 page of the A4-size with the shorter side on the top, including a figure, table and references. The margins are 30 mm for the top, bottom, left and right. The line spacing is multiplied by a factor 1.2.

2) A preferable font is “Times (or Times New Roman)” and “Symbol”.

3) The font size for the title of presentation is 14 points with a bold style and center alignment.

4) The font size for the author(s) name(s) is 12 with a center alignment. The presenter’s name should be underlined. The author(s) name(s) should be separated by an empty line (12 point) from the title.

5) The font size for the affiliation(s) of the author(s) and e-mail of the corresponding author is 10 points with an italic style and center alignment.

6) The main text should be separated by an empty line from the e-mail of the corresponding author. The font size for main text is 12 point a justified alignment.

7) A *.doc, *docx or *.rtf file of the abstract in which all the fonts must be embedded should be submitted using the abstract submission form on the website

Abstract template: *docx, *dotx